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Vacant Burdiehouse site to host 24 affordable flats

May 27 2024

Vacant Burdiehouse site to host 24 affordable flats

Vacant ground formerly classed as green belt off Burdiehouse Road in Edinburgh could be the site of new apartments if an application for planning in principle is approved.

Identified for potential affordable housing in the upcoming Edinburgh City Plan 2030 the applicant is keen to capitalise on the redesignation by delivering 24 apartments in twin blocks of accommodation.

Outlining the case for development the applicant wrote: "The applicant is of the opinion that the proposed affordable housing development would accord with all relevant planning policy - in particular NPF4 - and that any perceived negative impacts are far outweighed by positive aspects of the scheme which are to provide much needed affordable housing in an accessible location which complements the neighbouring residential land uses with the opportunity to provide biodiversity enhancements to the site."

Set against established amenity land the development will be accessible by a newly formed cul de sac with dedicated bike storage. 

1 Comment

#1 Posted by Craigbert on 28 May 2024 at 15:25 PM
Very sad that the only provided amenity space is a car park, and that the location for affordable housing is near the city boundary.

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