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New 'coach house' to replace a Blackford garage

May 24 2024

New 'coach house' to replace a Blackford garage

A double garage at St Alban's Road, Edinburgh, has been identified for possible replacement by a modern 'coach house' in a planning application filed by NGP Architecture.

Forming part of a larger corner plot in the ownership of 106 Findhorn Place the development would take a 136sq/m slice from the grounds to deliver a two-bedroom home that is independent of the main house and garden.

In a proposal statement, NGP wrote: "The proposal is for a stone front elevation and rendered side and rear elevations, in keeping with the prevailing finishes in the area. The entrance is located in an outshoot on the east elevation of the dwelling and will be clad in timber or Cedar cladding to visually reduce the scale of the house whilst complementing the main façade. The intention is for a matt finish, zinc roof which is sympathetic to the style of the house and in keeping with similar recent additions in the surrounding area."

Set back from a neighbouring commercial building the home has been positioned to minimise loss of privacy and light for established properties. 

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