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Linear leisure centre to straddle a parallel path and gallery

May 22 2024

Linear leisure centre to straddle a parallel path and gallery

Updated plans for a new leisure centre in Eastwood have been lined up for consultation by East Renfrewshire Council to take the temperature of the public.

Stallan Brand Architects have refined their initial approach to settle on a linear design for the new Eastwood Leisure Centre, focussed on an internal gallery and landscape path. The £56m facility will combine a leisure centre, theatre and library within the grounds of Eastwood Park and boast a 25m pool, games hall and other attractions.

Council Leader Owen O'Donnell said: 'Following the feedback already received, the project team has worked hard to develop an updated plan for the new Eastwood Leisure Centre."

Consultations will take place on 30 May and 20 June between 16:00 and 20:00 within the existing Eastwood Leisure Centre.

Subject to approvals construction is expected to commence in mid-2025 for completion by summer 2028 with the existing centre operational throughout. 

Parklan views will be framed throughout
Parklan views will be framed throughout

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