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Glencoe Mountain Rescue Centre grows up with expansion bid

May 20 2024

Glencoe Mountain Rescue Centre grows up with expansion bid

A £100k crowdfunding appeal to extend the Glencoe Mountain Rescue Centre near Ballachullish is now 10% funded with 16 days left to hit the goal.

The existing base opened in 1999 and has witnessed increasing demand for rescue services, rising from 35 callouts a year to over 90. This, combined with the need to store bulky equipment, has necessitated the need for larger premises. The planned expansion will include an attached garage for a boat, quad bikes and associated trailers.

The current garage will also enjoy a growth spurt to accommodate larger vans, eliminating the need to 'shuffle' equipment to fit the space and ensuring all assets are readily available for deployment.

In a statement, the organisation wrote: "As we see more complex and longer rescues we also have more families visiting the centre and the extension will have a separate quiet and private space where we can speak with friends and family, both during and after a rescue, away from the operational areas of the building. With the increased use of technology, most notably drones, that work best when stored in a warm and dry space."

A dedicated training and meeting room will also be housed on the first floor as well as a storage area for drones and ancillary equipment on the ground floor, accessible directly from the garages. 


fraser watson
#1 Posted by fraser watson on 21 May 2024 at 09:12 AM
the Glencoe Mountain Rescue Centre, believe it or not ,, is , situated in, GLENCOE …i see it there every day .. ha ha . x
Nairn's Bairn
#2 Posted by Nairn's Bairn on 22 May 2024 at 08:59 AM
There's no rescuing that design.

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