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Great Harbour plan promises to see Irvine turn to face its waterfront

May 14 2024

Great Harbour plan promises to see Irvine turn to face its waterfront

Irvine's Great Harbour masterplan has found favour with planners, clearing the way for an ambitious reorientation of the town to the waterfront.

The approved masterplan details concept proposals to bring town centre living to the harbourside with new homes fronting a waterfront walkway on Beach Drive.

Oriented around the Maritime Mile, an active travel route connecting the town centre to a beach park and events space. Work on this latter element is expected to start later in the year for delivery in 2025, pulling people towards the harbour.

Initial plans to create colourful 'Tobermory-style' housing have given way to homes more inkeeping with the established harbourside area, with townhouses and terraces occupying a tight urban grain of active street frontages.

Outlining their urban design principles North Ayrshire Council wrote: "Variations in roof lines and height, building external treatment and detailing reflect existing architecture form and pattern and create a family of design references."

Later phases will deliver an arts venue and maritime hub to explore the creative and nautical potential of the area, subject to individual planning consents. 

A huge area of waterfront land will be pressed back into use
A huge area of waterfront land will be pressed back into use
Detailed design work for a Maritime Heritage Hub is still to be undertaken
Detailed design work for a Maritime Heritage Hub is still to be undertaken


Fat Bloke on Tour
#1 Posted by Fat Bloke on Tour on 14 May 2024 at 17:58 PM
OMG -- that is crap and then some.

Tobermory gets its look from its randomness and its variety of house sizes and widths.

What is being proposed is just so much cut and paste design phoned in by the office YOP'per.

File under poor.
#2 Posted by GCS on 14 May 2024 at 18:23 PM
North Ayrshire Council have recently built new council homes in harbour area, and they have done a really nice job of blending into the existing urban realm the new homes have a Tobermory feel to them, although the colours are more subdued/pastel.

I think this looks promising, I was done at Irvine beach last Saturday night, weather was warm and people playing music very nice atmosphere and the beach and view of Arran is beautiful

I think this looks great!

#3 Posted by Ross on 14 May 2024 at 20:11 PM
This is a great development for Irvine, and the homes are practical in design for those who are living in them. I hope it inspires more developments to use a variety of colours rather than white render or brick.
#4 Posted by Fraser on 14 May 2024 at 23:15 PM
Looks good…more of this please.
#5 Posted by UR on 16 May 2024 at 12:14 PM
The bold primary colour homes displayed previously have been removed from the latest master plan for less eye-catching designs. This is to be more in keeping with the established neighbourhood. Tobermory shall remain unchallenged!
Alex Milne
#6 Posted by Alex Milne on 16 May 2024 at 14:11 PM
Wish they would just leave the town the way it was 50 years ago, a nice wee town ,not a big shity oops I mean city
Anne Simpson
#7 Posted by Anne Simpson on 20 May 2024 at 16:23 PM
This is absolutely NOT what people want. We formed a group at beginning of consultations and you attended saying we would be listened to. We do not want you to build anything on the car parks- never mind townhouses- I despair. Build on the open spaces which are fully utilised by families both local and visitors alike. Doesn’t the travel and tourism strategy cross over the economic development strategy? Build housing elsewhere it will still sell. The car parks are free for all - this is one of the most demographically poorest areas and you’re building housing only the rich can afford. The car parks are for the View- that’s what attracts visitors here and spending in the small mini SME private businesses along Irvine harbour. You are going to have unintended consequences affecting small businesses and jobs. Please leave our car parks along the harbour alone!
catherine mccormack
#8 Posted by catherine mccormack on 20 May 2024 at 16:26 PM
you say you want to encourage more visitors, but are taking away 75% of the parking. obviously you have never listened to what the public want.
#9 Posted by GCS on 28 May 2024 at 11:43 AM
there is still huge amount of parking from these plans ?

the car park across from the old big ide is untouched ? as is the parking at the beach front too?

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