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Glasgow's Avenues programme extends to the Broomielaw

May 13 2024

Glasgow's Avenues programme extends to the Broomielaw

New plans to extend the Avenues public realm project to the Broomielaw and Clyde Street are to be shared by Glasgow City Council this Wednesday.

The authority will host a drop-in session at the Briggait Arts Centre between 12:00 and 15:00, in tandem with an online edition for those unable to make it along.

Environmental consultant Ironside Farrar will be in attendance to explain their approach, which includes sacrificing one road traffic lane for a planted pedestrian buffer and the installation of raised kerbing to provide additional protection for an existing cycle lane.

The plans will rationalise Clyde Street to a two-lane highway with improved paving enhancing the setting of riverfront landmarks such as St Andrew's Cathedral.

Extending along the waterfront to the Broomielaw where a four-lane highway will also be halved in width, retaining a segregated two-lane bus route. This will allow the addition of a landward cycle lane and a more generous pedestrian route.

Respondents have until 14 June to provide comments. 

The common public realm strategy extends the length of Clyde Street and the Broomielaw
The common public realm strategy extends the length of Clyde Street and the Broomielaw
The excessive girth of tarmac strangling the river is to be reined in
The excessive girth of tarmac strangling the river is to be reined in


#1 Posted by Roddy_ on 14 May 2024 at 10:25 AM
Pretty lacklustre stuff.
Have budgets been squeezed to breaking? If they want the waterfront as the City's new front room, they need to do better than this.
It would be helpful if the designers indicated how this is meant to tie in with the proposals for Custom House Quay (assuming this hasn't been shelved).
Fat Bloke on Tour
#2 Posted by Fat Bloke on Tour on 14 May 2024 at 11:17 AM
Half a job at twice the price -- pretty thin gruel all told.

Terrible that this is seen as front rank / regional economic investment rather than the Civic / local tarting up that it is.
D to the R
#3 Posted by D to the R on 14 May 2024 at 12:43 PM
Shared surface - 10mph speed limit if they're serious about giving city's back to people
Fat Bloke on Tour
#4 Posted by Fat Bloke on Tour on 14 May 2024 at 13:58 PM
I think we have found Transport 1400's log in ...

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