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East Kilbride turns from roads to regeneration in town centre first plan

April 30 2024

East Kilbride turns from roads to regeneration in town centre first plan

South Lanarkshire Council has reallocated funding from its plan to dual the Stewartfield Way in order to help finance the initial works of a Threesixty Architecture master plan for East Kilbride town centre.

The controversial Stewartfield Way project will now be split in two, with over half of its £62.2m budget earmarked for the town centre, leaving just £30m to improve road infrastructure.

Councillor Robert Brown, said: “These are vital steps forward towards a new future for East Kilbride, both the town centre and the transportation network in the Stewartfield Way area.

"All in all, I am confident these plans and the significant investment that go with them will lead to a bright future for East Kilbride after the decline of recent years.”

Improvement works to Stewartfield Way are driven by a need to ease traffic congestion at Hairmyres and Kingsgate while enhancing bus, cycling and walking infrastructure. 

Road widening works are planned to ease congestion at the Kingsgate Roundabout
Road widening works are planned to ease congestion at the Kingsgate Roundabout


Ross Mitchell
#1 Posted by Ross Mitchell on 30 Apr 2024 at 11:56 AM
wow, road widening to ease congestion
they obviously haven't heard of induced demand!
modal shift anyone?

#2 Posted by Stewarty on 30 Apr 2024 at 13:16 PM
Town regeneration and spend half the budget on roads, really?
#3 Posted by lahgrome on 30 Apr 2024 at 14:04 PM
Why does this look like an outer borough in London? Where is the place making?
#4 Posted by UR on 30 Apr 2024 at 14:48 PM
To be clear Stewartfield Way and the town centre masterplan are separate projects. South Lanarkshire Council are simply reallocating funding from road improvements to the planned pedestrianised town centre.

The Stewartfield Way project was never part of the town centre masterplan - as implied previously.
Fat Bloke on Tour
#5 Posted by Fat Bloke on Tour on 30 Apr 2024 at 15:42 PM
Transport 1400 strikes again.
Personal transportation is not for the plebs.
Has to be rationed -- congestion is really their friend.

Only doing half a job -- will be back on the agenda in 20 years time.

Town centre -- Surely it should be able to wash its own face rather than rely on scarce public resources.

Huge site that has to be worth something.
Jean Armstrong
#6 Posted by Jean Armstrong on 1 May 2024 at 12:48 PM
Complete waste of money. I wonder how many pockets are being filled with tax payers money. Usual from SLC! How about we spend more money on cycle lanes only for cyclists to still use the road? I live next to a cycle lane and you're lucky if 20 people use it daily. Poor management of money from the government and council.
Bill Paton
#7 Posted by Bill Paton on 1 May 2024 at 17:23 PM
Great idea, demolish the newest section of the town centre including the car park.

Has anyone actually looked at the dilapidated and patched up state of the concrete beams in the old multi storey car park which is located above shops and public spaces, it certainly does not look safe and that is before it gets overloaded by electric vehicles.

I presume someone somewhere must have clue.

Then we have the vast amounts of money wasted on weird and wonderful cycle lanes and paths going nowhere which very few will ever use.

P Gallacher
#8 Posted by P Gallacher on 1 May 2024 at 22:08 PM
With several thousand young families on the waiting list for a home
SLC should concentrate on sorting out a property bought from a Developer nearly year ago…. With still no family living there. What a Waste!
#9 Posted by Lovely on 7 May 2024 at 08:40 AM
Why was a huge car bound development like Stewartfield ever allowed to be built? The whole area between EK and the city edge is a nasty hinterland now that will be very difficult to do anything about in terms of weaning people off their daily pojntless vehicle usage.

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