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Canonmills student block takes a bold turn

April 5 2024

Canonmills student block takes a bold turn

ShedKM Architects have revised their student accommodation plans for Edinburgh's Dunedin Street following refusal of an earlier application.

The Makers Yard for Hub Residential utilises a combination of dark grey and black brick, enlivened by silver and yellow metal cladding to inject a splash of colour to the 65-room block - down from 73 rooms previously.

Numerous changes to the design include an increase in amenity space, an enhanced relationship with the site boundary and the creation of a waste and recycling management plan.

In a design statement, ShedKM wrote: "A review of the previously submitted scheme for the site has been undertaken to analyse the opportunities and constraints for alternative development approaches.

"The approach to facades and materials demonstrates how a holistic approach to the proposal has been reached resulting in a bold yet well mannered proposal for Dunedin Street and the Canonmills area."

Key to the changes is the introduction of a 'celebratory' stairwell to define the neighbouring makers yard and the consented 'Arthouse' block.  

A signature staiwell will elevate the design
A signature staiwell will elevate the design


#1 Posted by Bemused_Citizen on 12 Apr 2024 at 16:31 PM
This is fun and shows some ambition, well done.
#2 Posted by Bemused_resident on 17 May 2024 at 13:20 PM
Ha, your sarcasm shines through Bemused_Citizen :-)

The proposals are dismal architecturally speaking with the absolute bare minimum of a difference with the already quite drab newer developments in Edinburgh (and the central belt generally). Why are architects so restrained in new developments? Is it all to do with the commissioners? I'm not sure, but it is really noticeable how unimaginative developments are here when travelling abroad.

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