Alpine-style open-sided tunnel to protect Rest and be Thankful motorists
June 2 2023
Transport Scotland has opened an online exhibition outlining its preferred route for a mile-long tunnel to protect motorists from landslips on the A83 at the Rest and be Thankful.
Detailed plans by Atkins and WSP for the covered roadway, termed a 'debris flow shelter', draw inspiration from Europe where open-sided tunnels are employed to minimise risks from falling rocks and debris.
Billed as a 'long-term' solution the £470m shelter is being progressed in tandem with realignment and other improvements to a temporary diversion route along the Old Military Road to reduce flood risk.
Minister for Transport Kevin Stewart MSP commented: “Work will now be taken forward at pace to further develop our proposals, including the detailed development and assessment of the preferred option along with the preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment, draft Road Orders and draft Compulsory Purchase Orders."
The preferred solution, known as the brown option, would be 2.4km long and incorporate an uphill flow shelter and catch pit extending to 1.37km to protect against landslides emanating from unstable terrain on Beinn Luibhean.
Alternative route options include a viaduct on lower ground less susceptible to ground movement and a 3km long traditional tunnel to the east of the current route beneath the slopes of Beinn Luibhean.
At a cost of almost £700 million, the five mile long M74 Completion project was one of the most expensive roads ever built in Scotland admittedly that was completed 12 years ago, but even so.
Absolute joke -- opportunity cost is huge but what we are missing out on will never get the publicity / be discussed.
Student politicians been given the run-around by a rapacious contractor class with Civil Service collusion.
Where is the innovation / the reality check in all of this?
Sensible solution is a new road on the opposite wooded slope.
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(Apart from that time there was a landslide outside the tunnel extents, obviously).