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Up to 250 homes planned for Powderhall

June 16 2022

Up to 250 homes planned for Powderhall

The City of Edinburgh Council has opened a public consultation governing the development of the former Powderhall Waste Transfer Station for mixed tenure housing.

Early proposals from Cruden Building with Smith Scott Mullan Architects follow up the earlier refurbishment of a listed stables block and delivery of a nursery and older people's housing with up to 250 homes of which 45% would be affordable.

Accommodation will be spread across five blocks of between three and six storeys set back from the Water of Leith with a civic square fronting St Mark's Path and Broughton Road. Shared surface streets would encourage cycling and walking with a segregated active travel link connecting directly to Redbraes Park.

All buildings will include a blue-green roof with mounted solar panels to power common areas and stairs while enhancing biodiversity.

The design team includes Hulley & Kirkwood; Will Rudd Davidson and Hardies.  

A disused railway line splitting the development site from Redbraes Park could be turned into a cycle route
A disused railway line splitting the development site from Redbraes Park could be turned into a cycle route
A mature belt of trees alongside the Water of Leith is to be maintained
A mature belt of trees alongside the Water of Leith is to be maintained


Craig Sanderson
#1 Posted by Craig Sanderson on 22 Jun 2022 at 07:15 AM
How many/what proportion of the 230-250 new homes will be for social rent?
Callum Duff
#2 Posted by Callum Duff on 24 Oct 2023 at 11:07 AM
When are phases 2 & 3 of this development likely to commence?
#3 Posted by 55andHolding on 7 May 2024 at 15:39 PM
There's still no sign of any activity on the site. The local press have been talking about building commencing this year but this is supposed to be phase 3. Phase 2 (the Passivehaus) seems to have been abandoned.

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