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Crescent apartments to take place of former Edinburgh pub

June 6 2022

Crescent apartments to take place of former Edinburgh pub

The Radical Road Bar in Edinburgh is subject to another apartment proposal by Comprehensive Design Architects after prior schemes were thrown out on overdevelopment grounds.

Redesigned from the ground up the revised proposals for 48 flats include provision for a ground floor retail unit in a single crescent block. Standing at the intersection of Northfield Drive and Willowbrae Road, the suburban development is arranged around three access cores with 50% of properties benefitting from a dual aspect.

In a statement outlining CDA wrote: "The building form and massing has been reduced to 4 storeys of accommodation as viewed from Willowbrae Road, to align better with the varying building heights in the immediate context which range from 5 storeys to single storey. Utilising the site topography a further level of accommodation and parking / landscaped amenity is provided at lower ground level to the rear of the development."

'Defensible' gardens shelter apartments from the main road with parking and amenity to the rear arranged around a retained communications mast.  

A large telecommunications mast will be built around
A large telecommunications mast will be built around
Buff ashlar sandstone, acid-etched concrete and blonde facing brick are to be used
Buff ashlar sandstone, acid-etched concrete and blonde facing brick are to be used

1 Comment

#1 Posted by Ben on 7 Jun 2022 at 15:17 PM
Hideous facades and ugly massing, is this the best they could do? Looks like something from the Soviet Union.

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