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Greenstone Terrace

Greenstone Terrace

This small contemporary extension aims to create a kitchen/dining/lounge space onto the south/west corner of an existing semi-detached property. The existing kitchen was small and the client expressed a desire to extend to create an open plan space to the rear of the property.

The design response was a simple timber box with large corner window, which folds open to allow inside and outside to seamlessly blend. A shallow pitched roof gently floats above the timber box via thin glazed sections between walls and roof.

Internally the open plan layout makes the most of the south facing aspect connecting to the large garden space, and provides a new ‘heart’ to the house.

PROJECT: Greenstone Terrace
CLIENT: Private
ARCHITECT: Voigt Partnership
STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: McKinney Nicolson Associates
Greenstone Terrace
Greenstone Terrace
Greenstone Terrace

Greenstone Terrace
Main Contractor:  Barry Greenhill Construction
Cladding Contractor:  Marley Eternit

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