The Museum of Edinburgh
The Museum of Edinburgh houses a large proportion of City owned objects relating to its industries, its urban development and its citizens. The Grade ‘A’ listed buildings themselves form the largest group of C16th urban buildings surviving in Scotland.
Forming the first phase a longer term scheme to improve facilities, the ground floor reception areas were upgraded with new external access, and a significant new link created between the Museum and Acheson House, leading to a new Audio-Visual exhibition. The first floor of long-vacant Acheson House was restored to temporarily house the offices of Edinburgh World Heritage Trust.
All repairs and alterations were approached with sensitivity and care through careful research and specification of materials.
Forming the first phase a longer term scheme to improve facilities, the ground floor reception areas were upgraded with new external access, and a significant new link created between the Museum and Acheson House, leading to a new Audio-Visual exhibition. The first floor of long-vacant Acheson House was restored to temporarily house the offices of Edinburgh World Heritage Trust.
All repairs and alterations were approached with sensitivity and care through careful research and specification of materials.
The Museum of Edinburgh
Canongate, Edinburgh
City of Edinburgh Council
Benjamin Tindall Architects
Will Rudd Davidson
City of Edinburgh Council - Property Services
Gardiner & Theobald LLP
Main Contractor:
Clark Contracts
Keith Hunter
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