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Wallyford Learning Campus

Wallyford Learning Campus

The strategic vision for Wallyford Learning Campus was a place for the community to meet and learn together. It brings together the newly-established Rosehill High School, a library, community centre and sports pitches. Partnerships with Edinburgh College and SRUC in the form of Construction Skills and Rural Skills academies offer further education, employability and training opportunities for both adults and young people. The development received around £22.1m funding from Scottish Government’s Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP) phase 1.

Main works started in August 2021 with contractors navigating Covid-19 restrictions and significant construction market challenges throughout to achieve handover date in August 2023. The finished building, with its light-filled spaces and nature-inspired interiors designed by East Lothian Council’s interior designer, was highly commended last week at the Learning Places Scotland awards Project of the Year category and commended in the Glasgow Institute of Architecture Awards.

PROJECT: Wallyford Learning Campus
LOCATION: East Lothian
CLIENT: East Lothian Council/Hub South East
ARCHITECT: jmarchitects
Wallyford Learning Campus
Wallyford Learning Campus
Wallyford Learning Campus

Main Contractor:  Morrison Construction

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