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Lochranza Distillery Washback Extension

Lochranza Distillery Washback Extension

Isle of Arran Distillers was established in 1995 when Lochranza Distillery began production and opened its doors, and since has become a well known brand and visitor destination on the island. The distillery has continued to grow and increase production, as the original stills were replaced and new stills added in 2017.

In 2019 the distillery carried out a rebranding project. Following further growth, Isle of Arran Distillers required additional washbacks (fermenters) to support the existing six timber washbacks, in keeping with the existing to maintain the quality and taste of Isle of Arran Whisky. Working closely with Isle of Arran Distillers, Denham Youd developed the proposal which has provided accommodation for four no. additional 13,000 litre Douglas Fir timber washbacks.

The building also incorporates an enhanced visitor experience, improved accessibility and visitor flow to the existing distillery. The tour route from the existing visitor centre to the distillery hall has been improved by the addition of a new gathering space, feature stair and lift within the new extension. Connections to the existing distillery operations and the surrounding landscape beyond informed the design.

The visual impact of the extension was carefully considered due to the sensitive nature of the site and the proposal seeks to sit comfortably with the traditional distillery style of the existing buildings. The form of the extension is influenced by the curved nature of the timber washbacks and whisky barrel staves with a new contemporary appearance that embodies the workings and celebrates the distillery process within. The entrance cladding features the new branding imagery, welcoming visitors to the distillery. The project overcame the challenges associated with building on an island and the sensitive nature of the site due to its proximity to nesting golden eagles, whilst construction works progressed during continued operation of the main distillery.

PROJECT: Lochranza Distillery Washback Extension
LOCATION: Isle of Arran
CLIENT: Isle of Arran Distillers
ARCHITECT: Denham Youd
SERVICES ENGINEER: DSSR Consulting Engineers
QUANTITY SURVEYOR: Gardiner & Theobald
PROJECT MANAGER: Gardiner & Theobald
Lochranza Distillery Washback Extension
Lochranza Distillery Washback Extension
Lochranza Distillery Washback Extension

Main Contractor:  Colorado Construction

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