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Located at Foresterhill Health Campus in Aberdeen, BDP’s BioHub building for Opportunity North East (ONE) contributes to the continuing diversification and transformation of North East Scotland’s economy, by providing a new home for the high-growth Life Sciences sector.

Currently Life Sciences companies within the region operate in disparate and unsuitable accommodation. It is the aspiration of ONE BioHub to provide a new physical hub for the Life Sciences sector in the region providing the opportunity for knowledge transfer and growth through co-location and the provision of sector leading facilities.

The site topography allowed BDP to develop a stepped section and double height collaborative atrium to the base of the building, performing the role of the ‘living room’ and intended to be the touch point for the whole of the North East Life Sciences sector. Its design intention is to be an environment that encourages interaction and collaboration between users of the building, support blended working, and enable flexible space for regional events. This exciting, collaborative space comprises: a double height ceiling with main reception, hot-desking, social area, and café at ground floor which is overlooked by bookable meeting rooms on the mezzanine level, connected by a feature hellerup stair.

Above this plinth, a triangular building form with offices and laboratories placed on the building perimeter, wrap around a fully serviced core. As a result, the prime working spaces have the benefit of generous natural daylight and views across Aberdeen. The building is fully electric and can support Net Zero with 10% on-site renewables being generated through rooftop photovoltaics.

LOCATION: Foresterhill Health Campus
CLIENT: Opportunity North East

Photographer:  David Barbour

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