The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Regimental Museum
The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Regimental Museum (ASH Museum) is located in the King’s Old Building (KOB), a 15th C. edifice within Stirling Castle.
The castle, which is a Scheduled Ancient Monument and thus under the highest level of statutory protection, is operated by Historic Environment Scotland (HES) on behalf of the Scottish Ministers. LDN Architects lead a team charged with re-imagining the museum and making it more accessible and relevant to both the local community and the ca. 250,000 expected annual visitors. The project aimed to develop the Regimental Museum of The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders as a premier attraction within a world-class heritage site.
It will serve as a lasting tribute to those who served in the Regiment and as a means of generating funds to support the work of the Museum Trust, which includes community engagement and wider education. The project has refreshed the ASH Museum with an all-new museum fit-out for all galleries, including the renovation of all building services as well as isolated alterations to the historic fabric to improve accessibility and enhance fire compartmentation and escape routes. Due to the extent of works to the KOB included in the museum refurbishment project, HES utilised the opportunity to carry out conservation and maintenance works carried out concurrently with the main works.
The Team achieved the best-practice conservation works required by HES throughout the project. The Scheduled Monument Consent (SMC) approval process was tested to its limit as works in a live site including all sorts of trades (masons, plasterers, plumbers, electricians, decorators, fit-out contractors, etc.) Alterations being implemented include the construction of a new fire escape stair within tight site constraints in terms of access and physical sizes and a new external doorway. Both have required meticulous research, survey work and specification to satisfy the requirements of HES. Restoring and refurbishing a historic property, thus safeguarding its future for decades to come is inherently sustainable by minimising the use of raw materials.
In addition to this, the full-service replacement carried out is due to improve the building’s energy performance, albeit within the restrictions imposed by the historic nature of the building. All new light and museum fittings are designed to be low-energy. Traditional methods of construction (water-based paints, lie-based mortars) were used throughout were possible.
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