Yasmin Ali
Urbanism // Design
Conference Review - Planning Reform in Scotland- Holyrood one-day conference, 21st June 2011
July 1st, 2011Session 2: 'Achieving Ambitions'
Panel: John Paton, Director, Turley Associates; Phil Miller, CEO, Miller Developments; Cllr. Willie Wilson, Provost Depute, Perth & Kinross Council & Prof. Greg Lloyd (as above)
After a brief coffee break, questions were taken from the floor, put to the panel (above) in the plenary session, discussing points raised from the first session regards aspirations and achievements of planning reforms thus far. In particular, delegates responded to issues of community engagement and communication, citing a reference to the 'sharp elbows of the middle class', as a measure of inequities in community participation in planning issues. There was also voiced an accepted concession that the built environment professions require to be more collaborative in their working approaches, and that appreciation that planners can have a key role in stakeholder facilitation.
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