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Yasmin Ali

Urbanism // Design

Aerostatic Bloomage: a bold vision for The Commonwealth Games 2014

November 6th, 2013

Aerostatic Bloomage is an aerial art and urban design project proposed to form a floral skyscape composed of 75 aerostats over the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow in 2014, by art and architect brothers Adrian and Dorian Wiszniewski. Adrian Wizniewski is a renowned artist and alumnus of Glasgow School of Art whose work has been exhibited globally including the Tate and MoMA New York. Dorian Wizsniewski is an architect and academic who leads postgraduate architecture degree programmes at the newly-merged Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA), as well as running his own acclaimed practice.

As a concept, aerostatic bloomage received critical acclaim and interest, which has been piqued by the involvement of kickstarter funding and associated development led by ARCH*e, with the support of the project’s authors.  ARCH*e is an Edinburgh-based participatory design collective David Clark and Ross McArthur who have continued to project to form a concept film and funding campaign to launch an community-based aerostat to engage with local residents.

There also may be the potential to repeat the concept and devise small-scale interventions around the city and around Scotland, using the skyscape as a stage to celebrate the games ceremonially.


Campaign - here

ARCH*e - here

Wiszniewski Thomson Architects - here

Adrian Wisniewski Artist - here

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