Above and below - Twin oce pavilions for Clyde Gateway at Rutherglen Links put Keppie in the frame for a rs t place nish and prove that speculative oces remain in demand
Keppie Design
No. of qualied architects (in Scotland): 39
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 86
David Ross
Do architects make good business leaders?
I’ve never been convinced that the perception of an architect
as a poor business strategist was fair. The profession now
exists in a pressurised context of higher demand, lower
fees, restrictive PI, and the uncertainties of market sector,
as well as political and public health upheaval worldwide.
It is far harder to successfully steer a creative organisation
through the often contradictory considerations of turnover
and quality than at any time in my career. Anyone leading a
successful, protable business where the value of design isnt
easily measured on the bottom line is entitled to be classed
as a good business leader.
What are your goals for the year ahead?
We want to continue our progress as a caring business
that puts our people rst when taking decisions about the
immediate development of the practice. We remain hugely
indebted to our sta for their resilience, patience and
adaptability during the most dicult period most of us can
recall. Economic downturns are a cyclical inevitability but
the added emotional stresses of extended restrictions on
lifestyle are an ongoing pressure that has forced the entire
industry to re-evaluate its future goals and ambitions.
We hope to be recognised as a people-focused, socially
responsible business that cares about its people and clients.
How will you remember 2021?
Despite the challenges, largely favourably. Firstly and
most importantly we survived it, arguably emerging
stronger and better prepared for what follows than we
were at the beginning of it. 2021 has been a year that has
seen many of our recently completed projects rewarded
with awards and critical acclaim. Our key sectors remain
buoyant, domestically and internationally. And our people
have adapted admirably to a less xed working environment.
Our strategic aim to employ talented people working in an
inspiring, design-led environment and for the practice to be
protable and nancially secure as a result remains rmly on
Rod Duncan
Is your practice embracing new methods of working?
The question should read has your practice embraced
new methods of working, any practice that has not
made a shift away from the old model of working is
at risk of collapse. A workplace needs to be relevant. I
believe that the shift towards a reliance on exibility and
technology would have come naturally, the pandemic
has accelerated the process and made us all think
harder and longer about how we can be ecient and
exible, whilst also caring for all our mental health and
wellbeing. Our employees still retain a strong anity to
working in the oce and the space we work in needs to
foster productivity as well as the opportunity for greater
socialisation. Moving forward variety, exibility and
choice will be at the core of our workplace strategy.
What are your goals for the year ahead?
Our goals encompass creative thinking in all sectors.
This not only relates to the sustainable/LZCT agenda
but also advancing our technology, enabling a shift in
how we work and how successful we can be. There is
also no law on bounce back, things will never return
to the way they were pre-pandemic. Innovation and
creativity must be at the forefront of our thinking.
Progress is impossible without change and we are
working hard to ensure our success next year and
How will you remember 2021?
The memories we hold on to will be coloured by our own
experiences and by the experiences of those around
us. I feel, as the years progress, we will understand
more how the pandemic has aected us all in ways we
cannot yet imagine. We each hold dierent memories
and experiences; we should embrace this and be more
open to understanding. How will I remember 2021 I will
remember that to succeed we need to cross barriers and
oer kindness, compassion, alliance, and strength.
No. of qualied architects (in Scotland):30
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 46
Michael Laird Architects
No. of qualied architects (in Scotland): 32
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 76
jmarchitects emphasise community & exibility at Calderwood Primary School
which fronts a proposed mixed-use village square
Reiach And Hall
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 24
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 40
Building Design Partnership
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 41
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 58
Collective Architecture
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 27
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 48
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 24
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 32
Eilidh Henderson
Architect/Elected Director
Is your practice embracing new methods of working?
We are committed to playing our part to reach net zero carbon.
Without exception, we look rst at what exists and ask how we
can re-use and re-invent to meet future needs. This approach
underpins our carbon zero action plan which addresses three
scales of impact:
1. Micro: Our practice How we organise our own habits,
striving to lead by example.
2. Meso: Our projects How we advise our clients and
collaborate with design teams and contractors, to reduce
embodied and operational carbon.
3. Macro: External actions How we contribute to wider
research, understanding and education of sustainability.
We are actively investing in our expertise through research and
learning - to enable us to act appropriately and creatively to
reach net zero carbon in our practice, projects and through our
external actions.
Above & Below - With Birminghams symphony Hall Page\Park show they know how to make an entrance
What are your goals for the year ahead?
The plea from COP 26 was to use the planets resources
For us, this means we should re-use, re-cycle and re-
generate what we already have.
As we enter our 41st year of practice, our focus on re-use
continues to dene our culture and approach to design. We are
a collaborative creative community united by our commitment
to the re-use of places, buildings, spaces and materials.
Over the next year we seek to act as a tool and resource for
our communities. To help nd new ways forward to serve our
shared needs, to creatively re-use what we have to address the
challenges and opportunities that we face.
Do architects make good business leaders?
As in a community, as a team we need all types and
personalities; rationalists, practical minds, data masters,
cultural creatives and the socially aware. We see our studio as
a community. Part of a collective mass movement to protect
our world. The buildings that we work on are not ours they
are buildings for everyone. Our leadership requires that similar
openness and diversity to enable it to bind dierence and build
strength and common identity through action.
Holmes Miller
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 39
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 57
Hoskins Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 21
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 32
Anderson Bell + Christie
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 23
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 29
NORR Consultants
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 25
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 52
MAST Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 30
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 49
Cooper Cromar
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 23
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 39
Steven Carroll
Is your practice embracing new methods of working?
Following the transition from home back to oce working we
are eagerly returning to our pre-covid methods of working
which actually feel new since we have been away from the
oce for so long.
Although our remote IT and virtual meeting platforms
proved reliable and allowed us to work reasonably eectively
we never found this way of working wholly satisfactory.
Towards the end of lock-down we were all experiencing WFH
We rmly believe that in such a collaborative profession
there is really no substitute for oce-based face to face
working and are again fully embracing it in all aspects of our
day to day working methods.
On their return our sta have also been able to actively
enjoy the fantastic welfare and support facilities provided
within the newly refurbished ONYX building.
We remain a exible practice and WFH in certain
circumstance is useful but reclaiming eciencies in
communication, management, mentoring and even face to face
meetings has demonstrated to us that oce-based working is
the right approach for Cooper Cromar.
Do architects make good business leaders?
As the Director that leads the nancial and business
management side of our Practice I have to say absolutely yes.
Whereas our core business is a design-led creative process
there must be a practical side to our company that ensures a
solid nancial platform from which everything else ows.
Architects are inherently creative but also meticulous and
seek attention to detail which are attributes that allow us to
be eective leaders and managers. Alongside the creative
process there must be a responsibility to ensure solid nancial
planning, eective workload management, creative business
development and actually being able to generate sucient
turnover to ensure our key asset, our sta, have a secure career
path ahead of them.
How will you remember 2021?
2020 blurred into 2021 with the impact of Covid continuing and
the promise of vaccines giving us all some hope of a return to
2021 ranged from the lows of extreme lockdown at the
beginning of the year where the situation seemed to be
worsening followed by the slow loosening of restrictions until
we nally regained some personal and professional normality.
I dont dwell on the lows of 2021 so best to remember it
as recuperative where we manged to bring our sta back
together, we re-introduced the basic principles of our practice
which are communication, support, mentoring, collaboration
and these crucial tenets of Cooper Cromar could all once again
flourish to pre-pandemic levels.
Moxon Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 4
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 7
Above & Below - With Cadworks Cooper Cromar have delivered the rst oce development in Glasgow to feature a cycle-in access ramp
Hypostyle Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 20
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 34
Ryan Young
Is your practice embracing new methods of working?
Embracing new methods of home working has been a relatively
simple process for our sta.
Zoom and Teams meetings are running smoothly at
the end of meetings we nd ourselves dropping into smaller
groups for more personal chats (just like meeting in the
corridor after a meeting).
Mentoring of younger sta via zoom is simple with
drawings being shared onscreen and edited live just like
someone sitting by your desk and producing pen overmarks on
paper drawings.
We have started experimenting with VR headsets to view
projects with our clients and also 3d printing which has been
really successful so far.
What steps are you taking to embody sustainability
in your designs?
As architects we should be looking for the greenist solution for
our clients this may involve some hard decisions like retaining
existing buildings and re-using them as a more sustainable
solution to demolition and new-build. On every project we look
Make the envelope as energy ecient as possible and look at
thermal bridging junctions
Optimise the structure to allow future spatial exibility
Minimise water use and waste
Specify healthy, low maintenance materials
Design services to be easily accessed and upgraded
Avoid Eco-Bling add-ons once buildings have been
designed and instead incorporate sustainability as a design
driver from the outset.
Incorporate renewable energy technologies (PVs, District
Heating, Heat Pumps) as an integral part of the design from
the outset
What are your goals for the year ahead?
To continually embrace and evolve new methods of working.
To increase connection with our sta in the oce environment
for even 1 or 2 days per week and to evolve skills to mentor
the younger generation of architects who are trying to learn
To rethink the bricks and mortar oce and how it could
potentially shrink to become a more sustainable hybrid working
COP 26 took place literally on our oce doorstep and the
visuals associated with the Fridays for Future march will live on
in our minds and fuel the green re within all of us. The summit
was a moment in time, how we now move forward is the most
important part.
Stallan-Brand Architecture + Design
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 20
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 34
Paul Twynam
Associate Director
Is your practice embracing new methods of working?
We are, but in a sense weve gone back to the future.
Expanding into the old games hall above our studio at
Oxford House has created a space to safely gather and return
to model-making, design reviews and pin-ups, given the
Paying more than just lip-service to sustainability
Hypostyle incorporate renewable energy demands
as a foundational design element
ongoing challenges of the pandemic. Model-making is an
essential part of our design process and fusing traditional
methods with laser-cutting and 3D-printing allows a fluid
high-tech/low-tech balance that is rooted in our collage
approach. Together with the industry leading 3D modelling
and visualisation software we use this allows for a full
exploration of the figurative vs the rational and the poetic
vs the functional.
What steps are you taking to embody sustainability
in your design?
If a building or new neighbourhood is well-designed,
well-built and brings more than just a direct response
to its brief it should foster joy, be well-loved, be well
looked after and last a long time - this holistic approach
underpins our design process. Beyond the norms of a fabric
rst approach, designing to reduce operational energy
demands, increasingly working to Passivhaus standards
across a range of building typologies, analysing embodied
carbon and actively targeting working on existing buildings
we frequently ask a series of sometimes dicult questions
of clients and ourselves; Is this the right site? Do you
need to knock it down? Will a radical refurbishment work
instead? Is that much parking necessary, when a case
could be made for going car free? How can we create a
link to nearby active travel networks? Can the budget be
increased to allow for an engineered timber structure and
to reduce embodied carbon? What design measures can
reduce construction waste? Is there a greener product
we can specify instead? Does the design allow for future
improvements and adaptation of the building? What
happens at the end of the buildings life – can it be readily
recycled? And obviously, think before you print that email
or drawing!
What building from the past year do you wish you had been
involved in?
Lambeth Palace Library. It is simply incredible and a dream
project for any practice - even presumably one of the calibre of
Wright & Wright - hopefully a studio study-visit will be possible
next year. And perhaps the pandemic is a cause of increasing
sentimentality, but it is also a fascinating reminder about legacy
and lineage in architecture, given the formative experience
Clare Wright and Sandy Wright had being taught by and
working with Andy MacMillan and Isi Metzstein.
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 30
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 48
LDN Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 28
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 37
Above & Below - Innovative spatial strategies have seen Stallan-Brand take public accessibility up a gear at Jedburgh Grammar Campus
Sheppard Robson
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 17
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 27
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 16
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 28
Ryder Architecture
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 8
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 11
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 20
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 44
Konishi Ganey Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 3
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 5
Smith Scott Mullan Associates
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 21
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 33
Brown & Brown Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 3
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 7
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 20
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 42
Doug Pearson
Associate Director
How will you remember 2021?
One positive from the pandemic was a re-think of how we
fit studio work around our daily lives. We developed a social
manifesto and moved to exible hybrid working. We were
excited to submit our planning application for 15HA Masterplan
in Cardi and plans for The Angus resort, hotel and spa with
a championship golf course, which we are looking forward to
securing planning for in early 2022. It has been a productive
year, with completion of a six-year refurbishment at Gleneagles,
Auchterarder and the re-opening of Cameron House following
reinstatement of the hotel, meticulously restored over three
years. We refurbished our Edinburgh studio during lockdown,
but the most memorable event of the year has to be the birth
of my son, Hugo!
3DReids transformation of Cameron House, luxury ve-star resort on Loch Lomond. Photography © Cameron House 2021
What are your goals for the year ahead?
We are an ambitious and creative practice and always looking
for new challenges in a wide range of sectors, but essentially
our goal hasnt changed; it has always been to understand
our clients needs and deliver great buildings. In 2022 we are
excited to see the completion of the Gleneagles Townhouse
on Edinburghs St Andrew Square in the spring, and we are
also looking forward to delivering a signicant hotel and retail
project on Princes Street - more to follow on that soon!
What steps are you taking to embody sustainability
in your designs?
As signatories to Architects Declare and the RIBA Climate
Challenge, our ambition is for all new buildings to be net carbon
zero within the next decade. We champion the nancial, social
and operational benets of sustainable design to all of our
clients and consultants. We are currently working on a new
build net zero carbon oce building at Edinburgh Haymarket.
The challenge is perhaps more acute in our hotel sector
work, which has traditionally been dicult due to the high
energy demand of such buildings. Its great to see that our
current clients and operators are putting a real emphasis on
56three Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 18
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 25
Richard Howl
Is your practice embracing new methods of working?
As we come out of the COVID19 restrictions, 56three have
evolved working patterns to suit our teams methods of
working. We recognise people have learnt to work more
exibly, used to home comforts, whilst still needing to meet,
collaborate, and learn beyond those virtual meetings we
initially embraced then slowly begin to loath when over used.
Technology has become essential to our communication.
56three ensure our oce environment is evolving just as fast
to meet the changing needs in the workplace. Its almost a
co-working space these days and welcome anyone to share our
facilities and join the collaboration.
What steps are you taking to embody sustainability
in your designs?
Whilst sustainability is at the heart of our practices ethos and
idealisms it is often overshadowed by short term capex value
engineering. In the last few years we are excited to see that
sustainable measures are being prioritised as conditions of
funding and whole life cycle costing measures. We continue
to encourage and educate our clients on sustainable benets
to their projects. We strongly advocate a fabric rst approach
and are delighted to have championed adaptive re-use of
existing buildings, volumetric modular construction and
introduction of biophilic design within a number of our larger
projects this year.
What are your goals for the year ahead?
We see there being further growth with our stable and
established workload for the year ahead. As a practice we
oer a Director led service to each and every client. As we
Above & Right - Tight site constraints saw 56three spread their wings
skyward at Hillside House, the latest co-living build to rise in Sheeld.
grow we are employing unique ways to ensure this Director
level involvement can be maintained whilst knowing that our
skilled team are delivering value and creativity at every stage.
Our growing specialisms are something we aim to promote and
champion for the year ahead with both 56three Conservation
and 56three Interiors forming distinctive services to either
compliment existing services or deliver individual commissions
in their own right.
Groves-Raines Architects Studios
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 16
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 36
EMA Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 8
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 20
Simpson & Brown
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 21
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 33
7N Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 15
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 23
Bennetts Associates
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 9
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 12
ECD Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 7
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 16
HLM Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 6
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 15
Morgan Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 10
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 17
Guy Morgan
Managing Director
Is your practice embracing new methods of working?
In some ways, being pushed into new ways of working has
been a positive development, as online meetings bring
eciency and the ability to meet with clients and teams based
elsewhere in the UK, without the need for ights! We now
manage online meetings alongside our collaborative studio-
based approach to architecture and design, which ultimately
is a more rewarding way to work. We are equipped to work
entirely remotely should it be required; however, we appreciate
more than ever, the ability to work together as a team and the
benets that come with meeting and discussing projects face
to face with clients and consultants alike.
What steps are you taking to embody sustainability in your
Sustainability is a fundamental driver for Morgan Architects
design output. We continue to champion the sensitive
Above & Right - Morgan Architects deliver timeless elegance
for Clockwise at Commercial Quay, Edinburgh, within a
former bonded warehouse used to store claret
AHR Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 5
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 10
HAUS Collective
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 6
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 15
Murray Henderson
What are your goals for the year ahead?
The primary goal for the year ahead is to deliver on the
promise of 2021.
We continue to drive our standards and ambition,
demanding more from one another. Aspirational targets are
agreed, underpinned by necessary business objectives.
There is a desire to further diversify our portfolio.
We are excited by the future evolution of our innovative
approach to design, creating a working environment
where people feel free to explore their passions through
innovative problem solving.
Ideas through debate and discourse. Diversity and
Creative Conict! The testing and rening of ideas, quick
pursuit, reection and judgment. Decision making.
Do architects make good business leaders?
In short – yes!
In our digitally enabled, information rich world, clients
are better informed. Architects must justify their value,
and intelligent reuse of existing buildings. This, combined
with innovative building systems, has meant each design
has sustainability at its core. On both our new-build and
refurbishment projects, we are promoting renewable
technologies such as ASHP, MVHR, and a fabric-rst approach
to future-proong the buildings we design. Our focus is on
creating long-lasting, resilient buildings that push toward
substantial carbon reductions and a move towards Net-Zero
ready on all our projects.
What are your goals for the year ahead?
It is an exciting time for us, with our recent company
restructuring and a rebrand, to our new name, Morgan
Architects, we look forward to working with our many existing
clients, meeting new ones, and continuing to expand our
awesome workforce. Recently, we have adopted many new
computer programs and ways of working, which have seen our
productivity and output massively improve. We have invested
in new equipment and an oce refurb, whilst managing a busy
workload. We are grateful to work on an array of interesting
and inspiring projects and our goal is to continue embracing
technology, training, and learning, to bolster our existing skills
and to deliver excellence for our clients.
Jon Frullani Architect
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 4
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 16
Denizen Works
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 1
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 1
Haus Collective show that demand for city centre oce space is alive and well with a 75,000sq/ft regional headquarters for BT on Dundees
Grassmarket. The scheme includes a smaller second building that houses apartments above an active ground oor
compete for work in an increasingly intense commercial
environment. We must collaborate constructively with
fellow consultants. Learn, educate, and evolve continually.
Manage demanding business costs against diminishing
project fee.
All this whilst maintaining our standing as the authority
on good design, morality in building design, quality of
aesthetic and human experience.
To succeed in this context, we dont just need business
leaders, we need people who can lead. People that can
inspire, motivate, mentor, and empower, prioritise, and lead
with purpose.
How will you remember 2021?
In spite of the covid pandemic, 2021 has been a very positive
year for HAUS, with a series of major project instructions and
award wins including Greenmarket, BTs new Regional Oce
Centre in Dundee; Shawlands Town Centre Regeneration with
the residential-led mixed use redevelopment of Shawlands
Shopping Arcade.
These projects have been complemented by a growing
number of local, national and UK wide project instructions,
across sectors, for both new-build and retrot projects.
2021 has also been a year where we have seen our team
grow and evolve, achieving a series of personal and collective
Bracewell Stirling Consulting
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 6
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 24
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 9
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 14
McGinlay Bell
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 4
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 4
Fletcher Joseph Associates
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 9
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 23
Convery Prenty Shields Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 10
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 21
Nicoll Russell Studios
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 13
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 21
ann nisbet studio
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 1
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 4
Trail Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 4
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 8
Left & Right - Aitken Turnbull were appointed by Stow Community Trust to turn a redundant station into a bistro, community facility and bike repair shop
Aitken Turnbull Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 6
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 23
Alasdair Rankin
Managing Director
Is your practice embracing new methods of working?
Like most companies, our approach to the workplace has
changed. Weve taken the opportunity to review not just
what we do, but why and how as well. We believe that our
studios are important as focal points for our team and
clients, and that interaction and collaboration are important
to our productivity and health as a practice and as people.
Weve put the infrastructure in place to allow for fully hybrid
working without interrupting the services we provide.
Were adopting an approach with weekly contact days for
the team, and beyond that people will have flexibility over
where they work.
Do Architects make good business leaders?
The field of Architecture is so broad that youd need
to be a polymath to be good at every part of it. Some
Architects make good business leaders, however some
great architects have consistently failed to run good
businesses. Some of the blame for this may lie in the
training, with such a huge focus, rightly, on the creative and
craft of architecture that the business side often comes
as a surprise to many. Equally, understanding of what an
architect does is often limited discouraging those who may
be more business orientated.
How will you remember 2021?
I think 2021 will be remembered as a strange year, the
Boxing Day of years.
After the initial adrenalin rush required to keep everything
going during the early part of the pandemic in 2020, this
year has had that strange transitional feel when everyone
is tired and slightly short tempered and waiting for some
sense of normality to return.
Hopefully we will also look back on a year of positive
change; at the beginning of clear action on climate change;
at flexible and equitable approaches to working and a
fresh understanding of the importance of community and
humanity in our sector.
Rural Design
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 7
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 11
AC Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 6
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 12
Bergmark Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 1
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 1
DS Architecture
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 1
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 1
Mosaic Architecture + Design
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 12
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 19
ARPL Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 5
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 10
Gordon Fleming
Is your practice embracing new methods of working?
We are a small studio of ten people and we have always
enjoyed the benets of working together, exchanging ideas
and discussing problems within a single space. This interaction
is something we consider critical to maintain.
The one area where we are moving into a new eld is
in the use of video conferencing , zoom and teams. The
pandemic has opened up a willingness for clients and other
team members to engage with remote video contact. Working
across South West Scotland where we can be two hours travel
each way to have a short meeting this is liberating with major
time savings. It is not perfect and we have all enjoyed frozen
screen syndrome but it does allow more frequent engagement
with project teams and less resistance from consultants to
meet up.
We fully expect to continue with this blended form of
working going forward- face to face when needed, digital
when appropriate all from a studio foundation.
What steps are you taking to embody sustainability
in your designs?
Sustainability has been the bedrock of our work since we were
rst formed. This is both in technical environmental standards
and in the wider sense of sustaining viable communities. Our
practice started on the basis of the 1970s housing association
movement with retrot and upgrading within existing residents
rather than demolition and new build. I have been accredited in
sustainable design with the RIAS since the original pilot scheme
in 2004 and achieved passivhaus certication in 2013.
It is encouraging that with material choices , energy
generation and embodied carbon the doors we were pushing
against are now partially open with clients, consultants and
Hopefully sustainability will not be a tick box means to
meet regulations ( how often are we now hearing of net carbon
schemes which do not bear scrutiny) but a commitment to
sustainable design in the widest sense.
What building from the past year do you wish you
had been involved in?
The UCC student Hub in Cork is another tactile project by
ODonnell and Tuomey. Set on the campus where they built the
Glucksman Gallery the building is a combination of contextual
site planning, spatial complexity and detailed materiality- all the
qualities I seek to aspire to.
Axis Mason
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 4
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 11
Helen Lucas Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 12
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 15
Cumming and Co
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 6
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 15
Hyve Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 2
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 3
LMA Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 6
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 14
Roxburgh McEwan Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 5
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 6
Camerons Strachan Yuill Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 11
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 23
Hoko Design Ltd
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 5
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 34
Lee Boyd
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 6
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 12
Taylor Architecture Practice
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 1
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 2
Fearn Macpherson Chartered
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 3
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 7
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 8
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 17
IDP Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 5
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 12
Stewart Associates
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 3
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 5
John Gilbert Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 10
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 20
Voigt Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 2
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 5
WT Architecture
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 8
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 13
Graeme Nicholls Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 2
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 4
Somner Macdonald Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 5
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 7
Fergus Purdie Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 1
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 3
Capital A Architecture
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 1
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 1
David Blaikie Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 3
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 5
Sonia Browse Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 2
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 4
Left & Right - At Carrick Street, Ayr, ARPL and Ayrshire Housing are delivering
high-quality social housing aimed predominantly at the elderly
Grant Murray Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 4
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 9
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 1
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 4
Woodside Parker Kirk architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 2
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 2
George Buchanan Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 4
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 7
Steven Turtle
Senior Architect
Is your practice embracing new methods of working?
Like all oce-based businesses our remote working capabilities
have had a major shake-up, having invested in our IT systems
which allows us to seamlessly blend oce and home working.
We have also invested in more powerful modelling software,
allowing us to create high quality visualisations and virtual walk
through videos. Some of our commercial clients have really
embraced these new services to assist with their internal design
discussions and marketing directly to homebuyers.
What steps are you taking to embody sustainability
in your designs?
We have always been very conscious of the environmental
factors relating to our work, however we are now delving much
deeper into the sourcing of materials. We have been promoting
the benets of spending a little extra money on the build fabric
to improve environmental performance in the long run. We also
took the time to reassess skills and the services that we oer
our clients, investing in new software and have even trained
up our own in-house Energy Assessor. This allows us to focus
much more closely on environmental performance from the
very earliest point in the design process.
How will you remember 2021?
A year of dramatic change. With the move to remote
working due to the pandemic and growing public interest in
sustainability, helped by Glasgow hosting COP26 we have
noticed a shift in our clients behaviour and subsequent design
requirements. We are increasingly focused on designing for the
longer term, from reducing energy consumption and improving
exibility of workplaces / homes for the future. Just doing
enough to get by hopefully seems to be a thing of the past.
Block Nine Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 4
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 6
Alan Dunlop Architect
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 1
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 1
Arc Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 3
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 4
CD Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 4
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 12
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 5
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 9
Fraser/Livingstone Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 4
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 8
Stuart Davidson Architecture
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 1
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 3
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 4
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 5
inkdesign architecture
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 3
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 7
Loader & Monteith Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 3
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 6
New Practice
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 1
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 9
Fife Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 2
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 5
Gray Macpherson Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 2
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 5
Davide Rizzo Architecture
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 2
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 3
Thorne Wyness Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 2
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 2
Chambers McMillan Architects
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 1
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 3
Craig Amy Architect
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 1
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 1
curve architecture
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 1
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 1
McGregor Bowes
Number of qualied architects (in Scotland): 1
Total number of sta (in Scotland): 1
1.Eciency points weight:
40k -50k GBP/head10
50k-60k GBP/head20
60k-70k GBP/head30
70k-80k GBP/head40
Over 80k GBP/head50
2. Sta points:
3. Qualied architects points
4 Awards points includingThe following schemes:
30Pointsfor Doolan,SDAGrand Prix & Chairman
20Points for Award
10Points for Special Mention, Commendation
10 points for RIAS awards shortlist
Left & Right - George Buchanan Architects are bringing a contemporary reection of traditional Scottish architecture to Castlemilk
45 West Nile Street, Glasgow G1 2PT
Tel: 0345 271 6350
Email: glasgow@3DReid.com
36 North Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 3BN
Tel: 0345 271 6300
Email: edinburgh@3DReid.com
Web: www.3DReid.com
Twitter: @3_D_Reid
Year of Incorporation: 2005
Number of sta (in Scotland): 42
3DReid is a creative architecture and interior design
studio specialising in the design and delivery of
complex new build and refurbishment projects. Our
cross sector experience includes Airports, Culture,
Community, Education, Health, Hospitality, Industrial,
Leisure, Residential, Retail, Workplace and Urban
Our team of over 100 people is located across
five UK studios, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Manchester,
Birmingham and London. By sharing our knowledge
across disciplines we provide a robust and versatile
service bringing national and international expertise
on a local scale, enabling us to deliver innovative
design solutions in any sector we work in.
We are great collaborators, internally within our
studios and externally with clients, consultants,
contractors, investors and developers. We enjoy
working with ambitious partners and engaging with
stakeholders and the wider community.
Recent project awards:
Mixology North 2021 Project of the year
111 Piccadilly Manchester, Workplace Interiors
Haringey Design Awards 2021
Gessner at Berol Yard Excellent Homes Winner
Gessner at Berol Yard Placemaking Finalist
Constructing Excellence West Midlands 2020
Primark Birmingham, Conservation &
Rejuvenation Winner
Conde Nast Travellers Awards 2020
Gleneagles, Perthshire Best UK Hotel Winner
Scottish Design Awards 2020
Canongate, Edinburgh, Future Project Winner
Craigmillar Care and Residential, Future Project
Malmaison, Edinburgh, Commercial/Hotel Finalist
World Retail Awards 2020
Primark Birmingham, Outstanding Store Design
>1200sqm. Finalist
Revo Gold Awards 2019
Primark Birmingham, Re:turn Winner
Primark Birmingham, Re:purpose Winner
intu Lakeside The Quay, Re:lax Winner
List of services:
Architectural Design, Interior Design,
Masterplanning and Urban Regeneration
14 Alva Street,
Edinburgh, EH2 4QG
Tel: 0131 220 3003
Email: info@56three.com
Web: www.56three.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/56three/
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/5187966
Facebook: www.facebook.com/56three/
Twitter: www.twitter.com/56three_tweet
Number of Architects: 18
Number of sta: 25
56three is a design based Practice with projects
covering new build, conservation, interior design and
refurbishment works throughout the UK. We have
an award winning team of architects, technicians
and interior designers who are able to provide the
full range of architectural services from feasibility
through to construction. We work in a collaborative
way with relevant stakeholders and statutory
authorities to embed sustainable solutions providing
optimum land and building values, and to deliver
the potential for long-lasting and enjoyable places in
which to live, work and play.
Services include:
Architecture, Interior Design, Conservation (RIAS
accredited), Masterplanning, Brand Development,
Project Monitoring
Aitken Turnbull Architects
5 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh
9 Bridge Place, Galashiels
32 George Street, Dumfries
Tel: 0131 297 2350
Email: admin@aitken-turnbull.co.uk
Web: www.aitken-turnbull.co.uk
Twitter: @AitkenTurnbull
Year of incorporation: 1887 / 1961
Number of sta: 23
Aitken Turnbull are award winning multi-sector
Architects. Our key areas of expertise are Health,
Living, Workspace, Community and Leisure. Our
focus is on creating buildings and environments
which enhance lives and communities and our
success comes from truly understanding our clients,
their projects and sharing their priorities.
Key Services:
Aitken Turnbull oer a full range of Architectural
Services from initial feasibility through design
and planning to technical design and contract
administration. We also oer in-house planning
and Passivehaus services. We are fully BIM Level
2 compliant, utilising the latest REVIT software as
well as AutoCAD systems. We produce high quality
3d imagery and ythroughs in-house. We provide
workspace and interiors consultancy as well as art
commissioning services.
Recent Projects & Awards:
Wordsworth Hotel, Grasmere
Sergeants Park, Newton Saint Boswells
Queen Elizabeth House, Edinburgh
Stow Station House, Stow, Scottish Borders
National Railway. Heritage Awards - Network Rail
Community Building Award 2021
ARPL Architects
11 Wellington Square
Ayr KA7 1EN
Tel: 01292 289777
Fax: 01292 288896
Web: www.arpl.co.uk
Email: gfleming@arpl.co.uk
Year of incorporation: 1971
Number of Architects: 5
Number of Sta: 10
ARPL started as a practice in 1971 in London growing
out of the housing association movement. Our work
has continued to involve a focus on social housing,
community and public buildings, with an emphasis on
sustainability, re-use and craft.
We have a team of ten sta based in Ayr but
carrying out work across the South West of Scotland,
Glasgow, the Islands and Dublin. Our philosophy is
to work closely with each client to produce buildings
which are sympathetic to both the immediate and
broader environment. We are committed to helping
communities in Scotland grow and enhance a
sustainable future.
Recent Projects:
Midsteeple Masterplan, Dumfries
Kingswood Secondary School, Dublin
Kirkcaldy Regeneration masterplan
Johnstone school social enterprise centre,
Music Centre, Creetown
Community centre, Whithorn
Carrick Street apartment building, Ayr
Boat house, Glasgow Green
Key Services:
Sustainable architectural design, Retrot, Specialist
conservation, Town centre regeneration, Community
engagement projects, private houses
Cooper Cromar
ONYX, 215 Bothwell Street,
Glasgow, G2 7EZ
Tel: 0141 332 2570
Email: info@coopercromar.com
Web: www.coopercromar.com
Twitter: @CooperCromarLtd
Year of Incorporation: 1984
Number of sta: 39
Cooper Cromar is an award-winning UK architectural
practice with a proven track record of delivering
signicant and successful projects throughout all
sectors of the property industry. Headquartered in
Glasgow we consult throughout the UK.
We are a close-knit architectural practice that
thrives on delivering elegant and well-considered
We are renowned for the eciency of our process,
and our ability to consistently find the perfect
balance between the commercial realities and
creative opportunities present in any given brief. This
consistency of process has taken us from strength to
strength, and proven multi-award winning.
Recent Projects and Awards:
British Council For Oces (BCO) Regional Awards
The Earl Grey Building Winner, Best Commercial
Workplace in Scotland 2020
Scottish Property Awards
311-345 Argyle Street Winner,
Deal of the Year 2020
Chartered Institute of Housing in Scotland (CIH)
Excellence Awards
Roman Fields, Twechar Winner, Excellence in
Development for A ordable Housing Award 2019
Hotel Awards Scotland
Aloft Hotel, Aberdeen Winner,
Best New Hotel 2019
AR MIPIM Future Project Awards
Kirkstall Forge Highly Commended, Future
Projects, Regeneration and Masterplanning 2019
(FCBS collaboration)
Leeds Architecture Awards
Number One Kirkstall Forge Winner,
New Building 2019
British Council For Oces (BCO) National Awards
Number One Kirkstall Forge Winner,
Best Commercial Workplace in the UK 2018
British Council For Oces (BCO) Regional Awards
The Silver Fin Building Winner,
Best Commercial Workplace in Scotland 2018
Scottish Home Awards
Harvesters Way, Wester Hailes Winner,
Aordable Housing Development of the Year
(Private Sale) 2018
George Buchanan Architects
Maryhill Burgh Halls
10-24 Gairbraid Avenue
Glasgow G20 8YE
Tel: 0141 946 2433
Email: studio@georgebuchananarchitects.com
Web: www.georgebuchananarchitects.com
Twitter: @GBArchitectsLtd
Year of Incorporation: 2014
Number of Architects: 4
Total number of sta: 7
George Buchanan Architects is a design-driven
architectural practice based in Glasgow. Residential
specialists, we work collaboratively with our clients to
exceed expectations. We have extensive experience
in various sectors, including Residential, Aordable
Housing, Commercial, Education and Domestic.
Passionate about design, we produce practical
solutions maximising value. A thorough, professional
service, delivered by a creative, friendly team.
Recent Projects:
Abbey Drive, Glasgow
Extension to Period Villa Property
Glasgow Road
Extension to Period Villa Property
Great Western Road, Glasgow
Extension to B-Listed Property
Ruchill Hospital, Glasgow
Residential Development
Crookston, Glasgow -
Extension to B-Listed Property
Glenacre Street, Castlemilk -
Aordable Residential Development
Allison Street, Govanhill -
Aordable Residential Development
Orr Street, Calton -
Aordable Residential Development
Cliord Street, Ibrox -
Aordable Residential Development
HAUS Collective
30 Bell St,
Glasgow, G1 1LG
Tel: 0141 552 8558
Email: studio@haus-collective.com
Web: www.haus-collective.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/
Twitter: @HAUS_Collective
Instagram: haus_collective
Facebook: www.facebook.com/HAUScollective
Year of Incorporation: 2013
Number of Architects: 6
Total number of sta: 15
HAUS was established through the pursuit of idea,
a desire to design and create, to learn and educate,
inuence and enjoy. A studio of innovation!
For innovation to be central to our approach, our
team work hard to create a studio with the sensibility
of a community, breaking down hierarchy to allow
anyone, regardless of experience or role, to oer
comment and idea, enriching our design process.
Through the pursuit of idea and innovation, we
believe our architecture can contribute on many
levels, by addressing social, environmental, cultural
and economic issues while enhancing human
Services include:
Our services include Architecture and Urban Design,
Interior Architecture, Masterplanning, Client Advisory
Services, Principal Designer and Environmental
Recent Awards:
Westwood Student Mews, Coventry
GIA Award Large Residential Project 2021
Angel Gardens, Manchester Property Week
Awards 2020: UK Development of the Year
Hypostyle Architects
49 St Vincent Crescent,
Tel: 0141 204 4441
Email: glasgow@hypostyle.co.uk
Web: www.hypostyle.co.uk
Instagram: www.instagram.com/
Year of Incorporation: 1985
Total number of sta: 34
The right design in the right context. Thats what were
about at Hypostyle. No set style. No forced ideology.
No preconceived ideas. Just solutions to client needs.
Multi-disciplinary, contemporary and progressive, we
can call on more than 35 years of experience across
many dierent sectors.
Recent Awards:
Greenview School, Buckley Street
Scottish Home Awards Sustainable Housing
Regeneration project of the Year 2020
2020/21 Homes For Scotland Medium
Development of the Year Award.
Riverside Dalmarnock (Phase 1)
Scottish Home Awards 2020 - Finalist
Lord Provost Henry E Rae Community Centre
ASA (Aberdeen Society of Architects) Design
Awards 2018
Commendation in the Public Realm &
Landscaping category
64 Queen Street,
Edinburgh, EH2 4NA
Tel: 0131 464 6100
Email: Edinburgh@jmarchitects.net
Web: www.jmarchitects.net
Twitter: @_jmarchitects
Instagram: @jmarchitects
Year of Incorporation: 1962
Total number of sta: 93
jmarchitects is an award-winning design practice,
portraying a broad range of expertise in a variety
of sectors with a network of studios in Edinburgh,
Glasgow, Manchester and London. We champion
design excellence and innovation, always striving
to deliver creative, functional, sustainable and
considered design solutions which satisfy, delight
and inspire.
Our talented sta are our strength, collaborating
and evolving design approaches that respect the
context and create economic and social value for our
clients and the wider community.
Recent Awards:
Brick Awards
Walker Primary School Education Commended
Scottish Home Awards
Maryhill Locks Innovation in Design Winner
Baltic Mill Renovation of the Year - Shortlisted
Scottish Design Awards
St Andrews Drive - ARCHITECTURE: Residential
(Multi Unit) Shortlisted
St Andrews Drive - ARCHITECTURE: Aordable
Housing Commendation
160 West Regent Street,
Glasgow, G2 4RL
Tel: 0141 204 0066
Email: glasgow@keppiedesign.co.uk
Web: www.keppiedesign.co.uk
Twitter: @Keppie_Design
Total number of sta: 86
Were fuelled by the excitement and curiosity of a
recent start up yet were founded in 1854. Its this
combination of energy and experience to which we
owe our success and resilience as architects. Our
autonomy gives us the freedom to constantly adapt,
break new ground and embrace transformational
projects. Our global agility allows us to lead and
collaborate on a fantastically diverse and inspiring
portfolio near and far. We pride ourselves on being
refreshingly easy people to work with. Were in this
together to design, plan and deliver remarkable, life-
changing buildings.
Architecture, Interior Design, Town Planning
Recent Projects & Awards
Stobhill Mental Health Estate, Elgin &
Appin Wards Scottish Design Awards 2021
Health Building of the Year, SGIA Awards
Commendation, Scottish Property Awards 2021
Healthcare Development of the Year, Civic Trust
Awards 2022 Regional Finalist
NHS Louisa Jordan Hospital - Scottish Property
Awards 2021 Outstanding Achievement in
Partnership Award
The HALO, Kilmarnock Civic Trust Awards 2022
– Regional Finalist
Rutherglen Links Oce Pavilions – GIA Awards
2021 Commendation
Forth Valley College AJ Architecture Awards
2021 Education Building
Morgan Architects
Advocates Close,
Edinburgh EH1 1ND
Tel: 0131 332 4200
Email: mail@morganarchitects.co.uk
Web: www.morganarchitects.co.uk
Twitter: @MorganArchitects
Year of Incorporation: 1995
Number of Architects: 10
Number of total sta : 17
Morgan Architects is an Architecture and Interior
Design Practice, based in Edinburgh and working
throughout the UK. Established in 1995, the practice
has recently rebranded (formerly Morgan McDonnell
Architecture) and is headed up by Guy Morgan and
Lisa Morgan.
We are recognized as the ‘go to’ Architects for
solving building designs in challenging sites; where
listed buildings require re working to ensure their
future viability; where planning for new build is
sensitive and requires strong relationships with
both council and stakeholders; where our passion
and hard work leads to us designing buildings and
interiors that are rational, interesting and the best
they can possibly be.
Services include:
Architecture and Interior Design
20 James Morrison Street,
Glasgow, G1 5PE
T 0141 553 5440
The Leeming Building, Ludgate Hill,
Leeds, LS2 7HZ
T 0113 322 7540
Tel: 0141 553 5440
Email: mail@pagepark.co.uk
Web: www.pagepark.co.uk
Twitter: @pagepark
Number of Architects: 24 (Scotland), 1 (England)
Number of sta: 32 (Scotland& England)
Page\Park Architects is an employee-owned practice
working across the UK. We have earned a reputation
for excellence in design and delivery across many
building types, providing responsive solutions rooted
in the needs and experience of local users and
In our architectural practice we try to balance
two extremes: imaginative thinking and organised
delivery. We want to see ideas built. The practice
is committed to excellence in the delivery of all our
projects but never forgets the starting point of a place
specic inspiration that fulls the aspirations of the
people we work with.
Interior Design
Passivhaus/sustainable design
Graphics & Waynding
Recent Awards:
Edinburgh Printmakers: RIAS Zero Waste
Scotlands Circular Economy Award
Leeds Playhouse: RIBA Yorkshire Award 2021
and RIBA Yorkshire Sustainability Award 2021
Woodside Health Centre: Building Better
Healthcare Awards 2021, Award for Best
Healthcare Development, Highly Commended
Stallan-Brand Architecture + Ltd
80 Nicholson Street,
Glasgow, G5 9ER
Tel: +44 (0)141 258 5015
Email: info@stallanbrand.com
Web: www.stallanbrand.com
Twitter: @StallanBrand
Instagram: @stallanbrand
Year of Incorporation: 2012
Total number of sta: 34
Stallan-Brand Architecture + Design is an
architectural practice based in Glasgow and owned
by Paul Stallan and Alistair Brand, architects who
have worked together for over 20 years. Since our
inception in 2012, our studio has rapidly developed,
delivering a diverse range of architectural and design
projects. We champion transformational design; an
architectural approach that embraces dialogue and
creative exchange. We have a strong belief in the
need for exible and innovative design, supportive of
ever changing social and urban needs.
Services include:
Architecture, Urban Design, Masterplanning,
Conservation Architecture, Sustainability, Model
Making, Visualisation, Waynding & Graphics, Public
Arts Commissioning, Community & Stakeholder
Recent Awards:
Partnership Awards 2020 Best Education and
Higher Education Project (Silver)
Jedburgh Grammar Campus
Scottish Home Awards 2020 Aordable
Housing Development of the Year
Laurieston Living
RIAS 2019 Best Education Building in Scotland
Broomlands Primary School